#Tuesdaytidbit - It’s 2021. what now?

Here’s another #tuesdaytidbit to help you Find Your Why

Happy New Year! If you’re like me, you decided to sit at home and chill with your family to bring in the new year. Or maybe you ended up meeting up with friends and family members in a hopefully socially-distanced space! Whatever you did to celebrate the going out of 2020 and coming in of 2021, we all find ourselves sitting squarely in the middle of a new year. Exciting? Concerning? A little bit of both?

We’ve already talked about doing something new in 2021. But what new thing will you do? What new decisions and choices can you make that will positively alter your present and future? What new adventure can you pursue? 2021 may end up being a re-run of 2020. We might find ourselves stuck in a pandemic for the greater balance of the year. We might still be in an economic recession where people are still relying on government support, mortgage forbearances, and student loan forgiveness to get by financially. If that happens, what will be different about you?

It’s important that we do not allow ourselves to get stuck and use our circumstances and surroundings as an excuse for not moving forward. It’s time to start your business. It’s time to turn your hobby into a revenue-generating company. It’s time to make your long-anticipated career change. It’s time to get saving money into a rainy-day fund and towards a summer road trip for the family. Blank Space can help you with all of these! And we’ll soon be releasing our long-awaited Find Your Why series in just a matter of days.

You won’t want to miss it! Make sure to click on the link below to sign up to receive your access to this FREE series as soon as it drops. And in the meantime, keep on being your best self!


#Tuesdaytidbit - Don’t make a change or start your business until you #findyourwhy


#Tuesdaytidbit - Something new for the new year